In Breda and Den Bosch the foreign students are welcomed at Avans on Tuesday August 24th with a Dutch market. They also receive the key to the room they will be staying in for the coming years are taken to their rooms. In the afternoon the newcomers can go shopping with fellow students who will help them and explain about local products.
City hall
The students who will live in Den Bosch for the coming years, have an introduction on wednesday at city hall and where they are welcomed by an official of Avans. After that they go sightseeing. In the afternoon they go to Breda by coach.
The foreign students in Breda are welcomed at Avans by another official and a city council official. The new student union Blend-in, which consists of students Social Work, explains what activities they are planning this year for the foreign students. After that an American student speaks about his experiences at Avans and in the Netherlands. Also in Breda all new students will go sightseeing.
The orientation days are closed with a joint dinner and a party. [SW]
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