The scholarships were given to the best students of the college year 2010-2011. The most important requirement for receiving a scholarship was to collect sixty study points in one college year. Of these students, the ones with the best results were rewarded with a check of 3.000 euros.
Most students came from China, but there were also students of Vietnamese, Taiwanese en Indonesian origin. Marja Kamsma of the Executive Board started with a very serious speech. ‘The decline of the People, Profit and Planet is a major problem that lies on your shoulders. Your generation of students has a great responsibility. Please, stay this ambitious because our planet lies in your hands.’
Surprised faces
There was time for entertainment too. The magician Tilman Andris caused many surprised faces with his tricks. He started with a rope he pulled apart without any trouble. He also repaired it without making using a knot. But the trick with the cups and the balls was also very popular. The balls disappeared and reappeared before the eyes of the students. For the audience it was a mystery where they were or where they came from. By telling the history of juggling, he made it even more interesting.
A boat this year
After all the nice speeches and juggling tricks it was finally time for Kamsma to present the checks of 3.000 euros. For many students the scholarship was a goal to perform so well, but some students didn’t know the existence of it. The plans for spending the money were also very different from each other. ‘Last year I told you I wanted to buy a car. This year I want a boat’, joked a Chinese student. Many others want to travel, to shop or they want to spend the money on their studies. [HS]
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