Did you miss a skills class because you had a bit of a lie-in, or did you not pay attention to your teacher because that clip on YouTube was way more interesting? Avans School of International Studies (ASIS) has come up with a solution for students who want to catch up or improve their academic & career skills.
Using the ASIS e-Learning Facebookpage, students can find a ‘virtual library’ filled with all the information they need to be successful when it comes to their university studies, internships & careers. It is an easily accessible resource to help you find tips for your next presentation or how to pimp your LinkedIn profile.
Different topics
It’s simple. Once you are on the Facebookpage, go to the heading (tab) ‘Study & Career Skills’. Here you will find a number of folders with different topics. Once you click on your topic of your interest, you will be redirected to Pinterest. And from there you will be linked to the website containing the relevant information.
Sounds amazing? Indeed, the creator of The Study Skills Page / ASIS e-Learning, Doris Jones, agrees: ‘You have all the information you need on one single Facebookpage. A page packed with links to support students from how to revise for exams to successful team work and writing a CV. At UK and US universities, it is actually quite common for skills resources to be linked to the university’s website. The Avans website has more an informative character rather than an educational one.’
Everybody is on Facebook
ASIS opted for Facebook simply because it is the students’ favourite tool. Many students get lost navigating their way around Blackboard so that was not an option. ‘Most students are on Facebook, it’s familiar, it’s user-friendly. Students can effortlessly check links, watch videos, listen to TEDx Talks, learn and get inspired. Even if you are not a Facebookmember, you can still view all resources as it’s a public page.’
As you might have guessed, Doris Jones is a virtual character but you can turn to her with questions that you do not want to ask your teachers. The page is continuously updated with new information for the benefit of all Avans students, although at the moment the page mainly focuses on ASIS students. Doris: ‘This page really offers the perfect mix of cool timeline posts and existing resource links. I wonder which academy will be the next to have their own Doris. I hear Den Bosch? Or was it Tilburg?’
Punt. Of had jij nog wat?