A former Avans student is among the victims of the terrorist attack that took place in Paris last Friday. Marie Lausch graduated from the Avans School of International Studies (ASIS) last summer. The staff of ASIS has written this In memoriam.
‘On Saturday we received the heart-breaking news that Marie Lausch, an IBMS alumni of 2015, was among the victims of the attacks in Paris,13 November 2015. Marie died at the Bataclan Theatre where she was attending a concert with her boyfriend.
Marie was a double-degree student from our partner university in Reims and spent her final two years studying with us, here at the Avans School of International Studies (ASIS). She had just started her Master’s Degree at the Paris Executive Campus of Neoma Business School and was working at Coty as an apprentice. It was the company of her dreams.
ASIS would like to express its deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Marie. We will forever remember her as an eager, smart, positive and dedicated student. We would like to wish her family and friends lots of strength for the coming days, weeks and months.
In remembrance of Marie and the other victims of the Paris Attacks, her friends and fellow-students will gather tonight at 19:00 on the Grote Markt in Breda.
« Le souvenir, c’est la présence invisible ». – Victor Hugo’
Michiel van de Pas
Te jong, Te erg, Te onbegrijpelijk. Geen woorden om het te verzachten. Mijn medeleven voor haar familie en vrienden.
Glenny Campbell
Namens dit berichtje wil ik de familie van Marie Lausch condoleren met zo'n groot verlies.